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트래비스(Travis) 내한 공연 후기

Travis - Olympic Hall, Seoul, Korea 2009-03-01 


2009년 3월 1일 트래비스 내한 공연, 종이비행기 전설의 시작

설마… 했는데 트래비스가 ‘해브 어 나이스 트립 2024’ 첫날 헤드라이너로 이름을 올렸다. 오는 7월 새 ...



"Hey everyone, last night I was speechless. I will never forget this show as long as I live. That you have taken our band so close to your hearts is humbling but that you reflect this in such a thoughtful, beautiful and visual way totally took us all by surprise. We know how special last night was and we know this doesn't happen with every band that comes to your country. So thanks every one of you again for making it a night I will always rememeber." - Fran Healy